What am I Working on Now?

I have too many ideas for my own good. Actually, I take that back. You can never have too many ideas. But I do need to learn to manage them!

Where have been focusing my inner artist? Short stories, mostly. I've decided if I'm ever going to be taken seriously by an agent or publisher, I need to somehow get my work out there. Self-publishing is great and all, but anybody can do it. It's like an enormous bowl of every breakfast cereal imaginable when all you really want to do is to pick out the Lucky Charms marshmallows. I want to be a marshmallow. So I need someone to publish me. In which case, I've started submitting short stories to literary journals. I probably could have thought of a better metaphor. Magically delicious metaphors.

In terms of book writing... I have no idea. I'm currently torn between starting fresh on a completely new novel I've been brewing ideas up for, and rewriting The Skycaller. I'm a better writer today than I was 3 years ago when I finished the first draft of The Skycaller, and I don't feel like I had really found my voice yet back then. I know what kind of writer I am now. I feel like if I take it back from the beginning, while keeping everything relatively the same, I could write a better narrative and therefore make it a more pleasant read. I'll have to do it eventually, so chances are this is what I'll be working on... which I feel will take a while.

~ March 03, 2014